- Jalan Kyai Tapa No. 1 Grogol
- Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
- Phone: (62-21) 566 3232
- Fax: (62-21) 564 4270
- Email: humas@trisakti.ac.id
Achievement of Operational Learning
- S = (Attitude) Graduates have integrity, responsibility and noble character
- P = (Knowledge) Graduates are able to analyze current development economic and financial problems and their future developments by using concepts, theories and methods in the fields of micro, macro economics, development planning and finance.
- KU1 = (General skill) Graduates are able to communicate verbally and in writing (publications) and work in teams and are able to use digital information technology.
- KU2 = General skills. Graduates Able to apply economics to open entrepreneurship
- KK1 = Analytical skills and economic reasoning (Specific-Analytical skills): graduates are able to demonstrate economic conditions based on micro, macroeconomic theory, development planning and financial theory.
- KK2 = Quantitative Analytical skills (Specific-Quantitative Analytical skills): graduates are able to design models to support development economic and financial decision-making using concepts, theories and methods in the fields of micro, macroeconomics, development planning and finance using mathematical, statistical and econometric techniques.
- KK3 = Critical thinking skills (Specific-Critical thinking skills): graduates are able to evaluate, choose development economic and financial models to solve economic and financial planning problems