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- Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
- Phone: (62-21) 566 3232
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- Email: humas@trisakti.ac.id
Curriculum Development Mechanism OBE (Outcome Based Education)
The mechanism for compiling an OBE-based curriculum is based on university policies, faculties and SWOT analysis on study program self-evaluation assessments on accreditation forms. Furthermore, “tracer study” research was also carried out on market needs along with input from graduate users (Stakeholders). After that, benchmarking was carried out to several related tertiary institutions that had implemented an OBE-based curriculum. With the results of the graduate profiles, it is hoped that students will be able to complete the entire learning process according to the IQF level and pass the course.
Furthermore, from the existing graduate profiles, the study program development team made learning outcomes that were adjusted to the elements of CP at SN-Dikti. The curriculum team also makes study materials as components/materials that must be taught to achieve the planned CP. Existing study materials become courses as a container for the consequences of study materials to be studied by students and taught by lecturers. From the course, an assessment method emerges which is the process of identifying and determining the penetration and mastery of study materials by students through accountable parameters and measuring variables. The stages of learning outcomes are as follows:
Picture. Curriculum Development Flow to Support MBKM Implementation
Source: Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture (2020)
In summary, the mechanism for compiling the curriculum can be seen in the following chart.
Picture. Stages of Compilation of Curriculum Documents
Source: Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture (2020)
In summary, the mechanism for compiling the curriculum can be seen in the following chart.